Helen Schmidt – Fine Art

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Helen Schmidt

Artist Statement

As a printmaker, sculptor, and painter I love how the intersection of each of the media I use informs and enriches the other. The stone and metal sculptures I make from discarded materials influence the color and surface of my printing plates, resulting in deeply textured unique prints. One of the things I love about printmaking is the mystery that happens when I pull a print off the press.  What is revealed can be slightly different from what I had planned, and this provides a new way of looking at the piece I am creating. It elevates my work and humbles me at the same time. Tapping into the unknown helps to inform the way I see and hear the world. Creating art in this way is akin to doing a spiritual practice; it teaches me to hear and respond to mysteries just outside my conscious awareness, and when I pay attention both my artwork and attention are expanded.

The Heron

Love can declare itself calmly

as a Heron on a still pond

its step a ripple widening


Each emanating circle

polishes me like a river stone

Till I am washed clean


But don’t be fooled

by that still white Heron

I know, for I have been speared

through the heart by that razor beak


All that I was

Annihilated in a single moment

As she raised my glistening body

and swallowed me whole



The Boxer

Love is a tricky devil

sometimes masquerading

as the perfect mate

But when the mask falls

all we see is the dear

scared face of our loved one

and we must ask ourselves

how we ever expected

someone else

to meet all the needs

within our vast

and complicated soul

Other times

love plays dress up

with our hearts

as our children

wrap their sequined arms around us

and we button up their cares

But all too soon

they outgrow our ministrations

and we  must open our arms

and give them back

to themselves

Love takes us in its arms

and dances us round mercilessly

till we realize we’re not in a ballroom

but a boxing ring

being knocked down in each round

It is only when we throw ourselves

at our opponent

in a headlock of connection

that our love is transformed

Then we remove our gloves

and bow our head

For we have heard

our opponent’s heartbeat

It is our own Beloved

and as we open to the Sound

its resounding thrum becomes our own



The cloak I have worn

grows heavy, Dear One

Help me to lift this mantle

Open my soul to the night sky

and scatter my limbs

like rustling leaves

to the heavens

What need have I of appendages?

I crave the radiant ember of the core

Burning from the inside out

its flame becomes a funeral pyre

A conflagration of the non-essential

whose sparks rise into the heavens

and dissolve

so gently

in this ocean of sky



 Have you heard the sound

the universe makes

when it hums?

It’s always humming

Its particles sing to us

until we wonder

why we never heard

its soft ringing before

Funny things happen

when you tune in

to the Audible Stream

The elements

start a dialogue with you

You may find yourself

standing at the edge of the ocean

The rhythm of each lapping wave

asking  What


What are you doing

with this precious life

you’ve been given?

You may be too busy

being pulled along

from moment

to inconsequential moment

to consider your answer

like your very life

depended on it

But the breeze

may take pity

and surround you

in its beseeching whisper

asking  Please

Oh Please

don’t waste

any more time

not opening

your heart

This Reflection

It often begins with yearning

And we articulate

That elusive hunger

In whatever form suits us

Some express it

With a finely drawn line

While others are drawn

By the strings of their heart

Some chase the acquisitions

Of a beautiful life

And others acquire good deeds

They count on like rosary beads

But this smokescreen of desire

Only serves to obscure

What we are really meant

To bring forth

For creativity

Isn’t something to sculpt

From the stone of our intentions

True creativity

Is an infinite resonance


And who knows

Where it will lead?

Once the mind

Relinquishes its bag of tricks

We can let

That great deceiver rest

And become still

As an Ibis

Waiting in the marsh

Until no more ripples

Mar the surface

Of that clear pool inside

And our creations

Become a reflection

Of this reflection



How long have I been a beggar

Stealing scraps from my Master’s table

Not realizing I was welcome

To the whole feast?

When you slipped through

That narrow crevasse

You stole my equipoise

Like a burglar in the night

Faced with your purity

I dump my tricks

Like the sack of bones

that they are

Friend, you are so welcome at this table

I have laid for you at last

When you arrive

Your presence stills my chatter

You blend innocence and wisdom

In a single gaze

That illuminates everything

You exist without judgment or attachment

In a moment that goes on forever


Be a wide bottomed dinghy

Sailing on the ebb

Of the evening tide

Be unconcerned

With the highs and lows

Of each swell

The tributaries

Up ahead or behind

Cannot sway you

If you set your compass

On the tide

That is constant

Be a sailor

That needs no oars

In fact lock them in place

And be rocked

In the cradle

Of the Deep

The Snow White Plain

I sold my serenity

to a bargain hunter

in the marketplace

like the cheapest of trinkets

Holding the empty scales

I felt the balance tip

And was surrounded

once again

in the cacophony

of the crowd

Never let the poverty

of another’s consciousness

tarnish your awareness

The knowledge gained

from these experiences

are your only commodity

of real value

And you must know by now

These wisdoms

are paid for dearly

in the mistakes made

over and over

on the slow road

of acceptance

You are the center

you must eventually

come home to

If you shift your gaze

beyond the marketplace

you can just make out

an open expanse


And once you see it

You’ll run


For why play anywhere else

than on the snow white plain

of your soul?

Stumbling Home

Today when you walked in you took my breath away

Your aquamarine eyes prism the light  with a clarity that pierces veils

Their intensity is tamed only by the tangled cliff of your eyebrows

Where every so often a renegade strand makes a break for it

When I met you I didn’t believe in fate

All I knew was that you were deeply familiar-

Like a pair of favorite slippers 

I’d been putting on every morning of my life

Now I know I didn’t stand a chance

From the first, you drew me and I drew you

Till we created the picture that was needed 

To complete ourselves

After twenty five years 

Your magnetism is as strong as the day I met you

Sometimes I forget, grow complacent

Then you’ll enter a room and it hits me 

The energy palpable and sure

As we work this sojourn

I realize it is not our minds or hearts 

Rather it is our souls who have done the choosing

We teach one another

You by your dharma

Me by my surrender

So that step by step

We stumble our way home

The Stream

My Lord

white as jasmine

I have tried to follow

your heady scent

but was lost

in the labyrinth

of your garden

Now I see

there are many paths

that lead back

to You

Only when I cease

holding you

at arms length

have you embraced me

Only when I stop

trying to be worthy

am I cleansed

by your purity

The most Herculean task

I will ever undertake

is to let you

love me

Every imperfect

part of me

Laid bare

and anointed

in The Stream

till I am ready for you

at last

My Lord

white as jasmine

– After Mahadevi


Ego’s handmaiden

is a loving attendant

wrapping us

in achievements of gossamer

and titles of silk

Till our essence

is mummified

so tightly

we don’t recognize

our self anymore

What happens

when we lift

these veils

layer by layer

Till we are adorned

solely in the raiment

of our humility

Our core exposed

as a vein of gold

running from the depths

of our emptied center


How  many ages have I tunneled through

deaf and blind as an earthworm?

Breaking through to the light of day

is indeed a shock

The illumination of this sparkling world

and the hum of the universe envelop me

till I am awash in a current

that has carried me

since time began

Being ready to receive these gifts

is indeed the work of ages

One of the hardest things I will ever do

is accept that I am worthy as any queen

That I am luminous as an opal

reflecting the prism of light

that flows from it’s core

out into the world

coloring everything

absolutely everything

in its radiance



We spoke the other day about suffering

You were talking about your clients

Who live under bridges

Whose homes are often a warm overcoat

But I think you were really wondering about yourself

You take a walk

on good days

when your legs aren’t betrayed

by their rheumatoid joints

I keep asking you to take it easy

quit your job

Come up to Vermont

Although I know, really, why you don’t

You are a beacon

Shedding light

For those around you

Your suffering is a fire

Consuming the dross

as its sparks rise into the sky


Your hands, nearly helpless now

Lie folded in your lap

You watch as we fold origami cranes

The girls are going for a thousand

It’s dinnertime and we’re only on our third

But I’m not saying a word

I’m slowly learning

That even if we do everything we’re told

Our wishes won’t be granted

For it’s the work itself that is the gift

These days it’s my turn to watch

Your hands slowly curling in on themselves

Making their own delicate cranes

Perhaps our bodies know something

Our minds don’t want to acknowledge;

That unless we fold inward

We will never find the freedom

Of unfolding into flight


This life is a training ground

We’re here to learn

and eventually

go home

And it is through our glorious

or imperfect bodies

that we have that chance

What could be a greater gift

Than the opportunity to work

Towards our own divinity

Through these vessels?

Health, status and ability

are given

then taken away

When we loosen our grip

And let our trust

peel away our fear

One day we may find

the cage door open

and that we are, indeed

ready for flight

The Maple

Sugaring ended early this year

as I pulled out the taps

in the old maple in our yard

I watched the sap slowly bleed down

the gnarled trunk

drawn back into the earth

where it will be drunk up

once again

Daily I watch my energy

seep out into a world of cares

as my body is tapped

like this maple

The merry go round

of emotions are old opponents

on this dizzying battlefield

of awareness

As I wrestle to close

each rusty tap

it cuts at the quick

a little more

fighting till the end

the alchemy at it’s core

But once the ascent has begun

there is no stopping

It’s Magnificent






Pricked by love’s needle

I bleed tears

Each trembling globe

A liquid exhalation

Whispering your Name

But don’t mistake

These tears for sadness

They are sprung

Witnessing the fullness

Of creation


Love is our constant companion

It is there every time we forget ourselves

In the focused attention

On another

It is there every moment

we inhale winter’s crisp

And push our sled off

with a whoop

Over the edge

Love is our constant companion

It doesn’t leave us

Even when our bodies do

When our time is ripe

Death cracks us open

Our essence released

Like the down of a milkweed

To float among us

And germinate once again

In the fertile ground

Vine Flower

You choose the palette

and your hands paint the picture

of the world in which you live

The inner is reflected in the outer

If you trust the divine

to express itself

it will show its colors

like a vine flower opening

In bowing your head to the ground

you can see each grain of sand

become a universe of brilliant stars

Beacons that gather the light of each soul

and reflect it back a thousand fold

With a single eye

you can see infinity

in a field of spring grass

shimmering in waves of

golden green light

With an intake of breath

you can smell the March breeze

as it arrives with undertones

of moist earth and sap

And you ask yourself

Is there anything that rivals

the joy of new life

releasing itself?

In these moments

of caught awareness

I rejoice with a world

that is constantly praising the divine

Unheeding of any audience

it sings on

And I join for a moment

it’s audacious Sound

The Table

How long have I been a beggar

Stealing scraps from my Master’s table

Not realizing I was welcome

To the whole feast?

When you slipped through

That narrow crevasse

You stole my equipoise

Like a burglar in the night

Faced with your purity

I dump my tricks

Like the sack of bones

that they are

Friend, you are so welcome at this table

I have laid for you at last

When you arrive

Your presence stills my chatter

You blend innocence and wisdom

In a single gaze

That illuminates everything

You exist without judgment or attachment

In a moment that goes on forever

Swimming is the Sound

The tide knows patience

As it washes the edge of the land

lapping the rocks so gently

Slowly softening their immobility

Into sand


Dolphins navigate the eddies

Of this erosion

In an effortless glide

Between air and ocean

A reminder of a time

When we swam ceaselessly

In the Sound

The dolphin breathes into

The solidity of our existence

And dissolves it

In the aquatic’s embrace

Joyful torpedoes

Imploding the divide

These wise souls

Always seem to be laughing

And really, who could blame them

If they weren’t occasionally laughing at us?

Weak lunged land dwellers with no echolocation

Who don’t leap or dive

And can only hear the middle ranges

And if someday we decode

their sonorous language of clicks and trills

I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them,

smiling like a true Buddha of the deep

said: You don’t know what you lost, dear cousin

When you left the Sound

Dialogue – Poem set to Music



The Marimba Magic Ensemble and

The Bennington Samba and Djembe Group

One of my poems, Dialogue, will be performed this weekend, April 29th at 3:30 at Bennington College during the Marimba Ensemble. The poem can be read under my work and poems section.